Welcome to Title I

    The Title I Program is a federally funded program that provides students with additional assistance in language arts (reading and writing).  This program is designed to improve reading and writing skills for selected students through small group instruction.  Studies show us that children who are doing poorly in reading at the end of first grade are likely to remain poor readers, falling farther behind their classmates, unless early intervention is provided.  We believe that intense early intervention in small groups will help your child become a more successful reader.

    Students are chosen for the Title I Program by using the Northwest Evaluation Association Testing, Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Assessments (DIBELS,) Developmental Reading Assessment Assessments (DRA) and teacher recommendations.  During Title I, your child will receive small group intervention instruction for 30 minutes two to five times a week.  We are very excited about using two new research based programs with your children this year, as well as other activities we have found to be successful in the past.

    Since parents are their child's first reading teacher, we encourage your interest and support in your child's education.  You can promote reading at home by modeling reading for your child and doing simple, inexpensive things like taking your child to visit the local library.  Take time to read aloud with your child each day and help them practice sight words, letter names and sounds.  Research tells us that the amount (volume) that students read each day matters.  Students who ranked the highest on standardized test read on the average 140 minutes a day.